Aims and Objectives Print
About the Faculty

The main task and mission of the Faculty is education and creation of highly trained professionals and scientists who conduct their activities in two major systems: education and sports. The Faculty organizes all levels of academic studies in physical education and sport and professional studies of sport and recreation.

The task of the Faculty is to provide conditions for scientific research and teaching activities, transfer of scientific and professional knowledge and skills and cooperation that allows teachers, staff and students to be involved in scientific research and practical work.

The aim of the Faculty is to create a competent and independent expert and scientific worker, in line with modern trends of education, bearing in mind that modern education is based on specific, attainable and measurable processes. Objectives arising from the need to provide scientific and professional personnel in the field of physical education and sport are:

  • Improvement of organization and efficiency of study;
  • Application of scientific and educational standards and implementation of national education policy;
  • Improvement of study programs;
  • Harmonization with the study programs of other educational institutions in the country and the world in order to transfer credits (European Credit Transfer System – ECTS) and increase mobility of students;
  • Development of critical thinking, creative ideas and team work skills;
  • Training for improvement and successful career development;
  • Monitoring the success of graduate students and use of their opinions for the quality assessment of study programs;
  • Enabling active participation of students in management, operation and evaluation of quality in all areas of the Faculty;
  • Cooperation within the system of education and sport;
  • Improvement of spatial and material-technical resources, space and equipment for scientific and research work and specialized facilities for particular disciplines;
  • Provision of quality teaching staff and their continuous improvement;
  • Developing publishing activities and increasing number of books in the library;
  • Fulfilment of quality standards and implementation of quality control procedures in all areas of work.